Javascript Studio
Scripts transform data from an input map to an output map
Last updated
Scripts transform data from an input map to an output map
Last updated
Now that we have seen the Connections and Accounts scripts in action, it's time to look a little closer at how they work.
On the right-click the Accounts
script and choose Edit javascript:
This will bring up the Javascript Studio for the Accounts script.
On the left pane you can see the javascript code, the right two panes are empty. Hit F5 to run the script, this will fill the right two panes with data.
The top right pane called Engine
shows the variables the code has created in the javascript engine. The bottom pane show the result of the script, this is what will be returned to Excel.
Double click the Acounts node in the bottom pane to zoom in:
Variables you see in the Engine and Result pane can be zoomed in by double-clicking them, this can be helpful when dealing wit lots of data.